Ajātaśatru. The name of a ruler of Rājagṛha in Magadha 摩竭陀 at the time of Śākyamuni.
Ajātaśatru, 阿闍貰; 阿闍多設咄路; 未生怨 'Enemy before birth'; a king of Magadha whose father, Bimbisāra, is said to have sought to kill him as ill-omened. When grown up he killed his father and ascended the throne. At first inimical to Śākyamuni, later he was converted and became noted for his liberality; died circa 519 B.C. Also called 'Broken fingers' and Kṣemadarśin. His son and successor was Udāyi; and a daughter was ? Aśu-dharā. According to a Tibetan legend an infant son of Ajātaśatru was kidnapped, or exposed, and finally became king of Tibet named ~Na-khri-btsan-po.
阿闍世 (ā shé shì) (name of a king)
- Dharmarakṣa: {63b22}
- {K.5.5} Ajātaśatru
- Kumārajīva: {L.2b5} 阿闍世