Showing results for "Brahmins"

The Kandy Dalada Perahera of Sri Lanka
The history of the Kandy Dalada Perahera, or “Tooth Relic Procession,” in Sri Lanka is an illustrious one that is closely associated with a holy tooth relic of the Buddha. Fearing unfriendly repercuss
Uploaded 5 Sep 2014
Dalit conversions to Buddhism must not be due to hatred of mainstream Indian society
The fact that thousands of dalits are embracing Buddhism is great news for any lover of non-violence, and for the Buddhist community in particular. It reaffirms the idea that Buddhism is the last refu
Uploaded 4 Nov 2013
Environmental Concern in the Discourses of Dīgha Nikāya
Editor's note: This article was first published in the now-retired Bodhi Journal, Issue 10, December 2008.   01. Introduction The term ‘environment’ includes
Uploaded 26 Apr 2013
The Buddhist Understanding of Civilization
Editor's note: This article was first published in the now-retired Bodhi Journal, Issue 13, September 2009.Venerable A. P. Buddhadatta in his English to Pāli dictionary gives two Pāli words for &
Uploaded 26 Apr 2013
‘Detachment’ in Vairāgyaśataka of Bhartṛhari: Where Buddhist and Brahmanic Ideas Concord
Editor's note: This article was first published in the now-retired Bodhi Journal, Issue 9, September 2008.   01. Prologue Indicating the vedāntic tone in the śataka 
Uploaded 23 Apr 2013
The meaning of Kamma in early Buddhism
 Editor's note: This feature was first published in the now-retired Bodhi Journal, Issue 7, March 2008. Introduction The word karma, etymologically meaning “action”, is a term common to many of the an
Uploaded 20 Apr 2013
A Book Review on ‘Buddha’
This review was originally published in the 3rd issue (April 2007) of retired Bodhi Journal. Dr. Lisa Kemmerer is a philosopher-activist dedicated to working against oppression, whether on b
Uploaded 19 Jan 2013
A Secured Sacred Old Tradition
Ven. Priyarakkhit takes us through the history, heritage, and daily significance of the alms-round taken by monks all over the world.--While going through the recorded Buddhist Canon, one can find sev
Uploaded 29 Jun 2012
Aside from their questionably passionate gazes and prolonged shots of their longing embraces, Chapra and his unnamed mother form a genuinely touching duo. Their mutual devotion forms the second rubric
Uploaded 18 Oct 2011
The Buddha's 7 "Back to Basics"
Examining the foundations of Buddhism in a new light
Uploaded 13 Sep 2010
When Arguments Happen: Answering, Defending, and Debating Compassionately
“Politeness… is a demanding discipline; to convince others without recourse to the tricks of the demagogue or bully requires a high level of intelligence, especially when the audience is
Uploaded 28 May 2010
What Exactly Did the Buddha Say ?
IntroductionThe short answer to this question is very simple: we do not really know. That, however, is not really an acceptable answer to most people because in the past 2500 years or more, many h
Uploaded 18 Apr 2010
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