Showing results for "Isipatana"

Let’s see the Buddha through His Teaching on this Visakha Festival
  “Ekapuggalo bhikkhave loke uppajjamāno uppajjati …….. Bhikkhus” - a certain person arises in the world for the welfare of many, for the happiness of many, out of comp
Uploaded 20 May 2010
Compassion that Flourished in the Deer Park of Isipatana (Part 2/2)
Some people expresses doubt in regard to the possibility of cultivating loving kindness and compassion in a situation where one’s life is at risk. However the Puṇṇasutta of Saṃyuttanikāya (SN: 35.88)
Uploaded 17 Dec 2009
Compassion that Flourished in the Deer Park of Isipatana (1/2)
Being dissatisfied with the princely life and seeing the four sights, namely, an old man; a diseased man; a corpse and an ascetic, Siddhartha, the prince, renounced the worldly life and became an asce
Uploaded 12 Oct 2009
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