Showing results for "akening"

Dangerous Dharma
Stumbling blocks on the path to awakening
Uploaded 7 Oct 2021
Book Review: <i>Silent Illumination: A Chan Buddhist Path to Natural Awakening</i>
A comprehensive look at the thought of Hongzhi Zhengjue
Uploaded 9 Jul 2021
Film Review: Khyentse Norbu’s <i>Looking for a Lady with Fangs and a Moustache</i>
Khyentse Norbu’s new film sets viewers on a hero’s journey toward awakening
Uploaded 3 May 2021
The Tibetan “Songs of Realization”
Music as a medium of awakening
Uploaded 27 Apr 2021
Dzogchen: The Non-Conceptual Path to Liberation
Awakening to the true nature of the mind
Uploaded 10 Dec 2020
What We’re Looking for Is What’s Looking: Accessing the Agent of Healing and Awakening
Practices for recognizing our true nature from across traditions
Uploaded 13 Nov 2020
Be Still and Heal: Forbearance on the Path of Awakening
Finding refuge in patience in our often turbulent world
Uploaded 29 May 2020
Awakening the Buddha Within: The Inspiring Journey of an Indian Buddhist Couple, Part 2
The development and decline of Mahayana Buddhism in South India
Uploaded 25 May 2020
<i>The Life of the Buddha</i>: An Illustrated Tale of Truth and Awakening
A new book for children of all ages by Heather Sanche and Tara di Gesu
Uploaded 8 May 2020
On Moral Growth and Mental Decay
The path of mental development toward final awakening
Uploaded 16 Mar 2020
Three Awakenings and Four Noble Truths
Engaging with our suffering Earth; engaging with truth
Uploaded 11 Mar 2020
The Gift of Painful Feelings: The Benefits of Opening Up to Unpleasant Emotions
By facing our emotions fully, we can turn them into allies on our path toward awakening
Uploaded 20 Feb 2020
Andrea Miller’s <i>Awakening My Heart</i>: A Seeker’s Journey Brought to Life
A beautiful collection of essays on the Buddhist life
Uploaded 14 Feb 2020
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