Showing results for "artificial intelligence"

Does Artificial Intelligence have Buddha-nature?
If a bodhisattva can come in all forms, why not as a robot?
Uploaded 29 Oct 2020
Dharma and Artificial Intelligence: Further Considerations
Examining fundamental ideas in our development of new technologies
Uploaded 18 Jul 2019
Knowledge Technologies and Openness
The potential of the world at our fingertips
Uploaded 10 Feb 2017
The Rise of Artificial Intelligence and What it Means for Our Jobs
Will the advent of AI change society as we know it?
Uploaded 20 Jan 2017
<i>Buddhistdoor View</i>: The Dharmic Conundrum of AI
The question of artificial intelligence and sentience
Uploaded 11 Nov 2016
Mindfulness and enjoyment are spiritual prerogatives
“Modern Japan simply was cyberpunk. The Japanese themselves knew it and delighted in it. I remember my first glimpse of Shibuya, when one of the young Tokyo journalists who had ta
Uploaded 31 Dec 2013
Cyberkaya: Buddhism’s Place in a Future of High-tech Cyberspace
Buddhism is a vast religious and philosophical organism that has breathed 2,600 years of history. It gave birth to the oldest religious institution in the world, the saṅgha. It irrup
Uploaded 1 Jul 2008
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