Showing results for "buddhist mindfulness"

“There Is Also Joy”—Mindfulness-based Dementia Care
Coping with change through Buddhist mindfulness
Uploaded 23 Dec 2016
Wonder: The Heart of Renunciation
Stripping away distractions to rediscover wonder
Uploaded 20 May 2016
Driving at Night
Navigating our spiritual journey and taking Refuge in the Dharma
Uploaded 26 Feb 2016
Airbrushing our Heroes
Exploring the acceptance and forgiveness of our own failings and those of others
Uploaded 29 Jan 2016
Know the Ideal, Accept the Actual
A path to inner freedom through accepting and embracing imperfection
Uploaded 31 Dec 2015
A time for reflection and focus during the Winter Retreat
Uploaded 4 Dec 2015
MBSR and Buddhist Mindfulness: Seeking Continuities, Not Differences
As anyone interested in meditation or Buddhism will have noticed, there has been considerable coverage recently of the benefits of mindfulness in a so-called “secular” setting. The discussion has cent
Uploaded 27 Mar 2015
<i>Mindfulness: Diverse Perspectives on its Meaning, Origins and Applications</i>
Mindfulness is an ancient technique used in many meditative religious traditions, and has inspired an entire industry in the fields of health and psychology. It is now very popular among modern physio
Uploaded 26 Sep 2014
Mindfulness and enjoyment are spiritual prerogatives
“Modern Japan simply was cyberpunk. The Japanese themselves knew it and delighted in it. I remember my first glimpse of Shibuya, when one of the young Tokyo journalists who had ta
Uploaded 31 Dec 2013
Merton’s Wisdom: The Common Ground of Buddhist-Christian Interfaith Dialogue (2)
Brotherhood   After recognizing the Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh as his spiritual brother, Thomas Merton wrote in an essay:   “I have said Nhat Hanh is my brother, and it is true… We are both poets
Uploaded 6 Dec 2010
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