Showing results for "cremation"
Bringing hope to the poorest and most vulnerable
Uploaded 17 Mar 2017
Bidding farewell to one's nearest and dearest, the Theravada way
Uploaded 23 Sep 2016
Appreciating the more-than-700-year-old tradition of the Newari people of Nepal
Uploaded 26 Feb 2016
A comprehensive study of a spectacular excavation of Buddhist history
Uploaded 18 Dec 2015
Ladakh-Zanskar maintains a cultural ecology of Cham that exists nowhere else
Uploaded 16 Oct 2015
Laura Santi discusses her intriguing thangka painting
Uploaded 14 Aug 2015
Editor’s note: Jnan Nanda completed his BA Hons from the University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, and his MA from the University of Hong Kong where he presently teaches Reading in Buddhist Sanskrit
Uploaded 24 Dec 2013
Zhen Ru Chan Monastery Cloud Abode Mountain Jiangsi Province China 2012 Thursday, 8th November I woke up in a cold, simple but clean room to the sound of heavy rain at 3.45 as my alarm clock went o
Uploaded 30 Apr 2013
Editor's note: This feature was first published in the now-retired Bodhi Journal, Issue 7, March 2008. Introduction The Exegetical (Commentarial) Literature or Aṭṭhakathā, wh
Uploaded 19 Apr 2013
Dr. Lisa Kemmerer is a philosopher-activist dedicated to working against oppression, whether on behalf of the environment, nonhuman animals, or disempowered human beings. Her books include I
Uploaded 4 Feb 2013
We can see from the study of the Buddha’s earliest teachings in the vinaya-piṭaka, that he originally taught only dhamma necessary for the attainment of nibbāna. The dhammas such as the Four Nob
Uploaded 7 Jan 2013
Stūpas began in ancient times as dome-shaped mounds of earth or brick constructed to mark the passing of a great monarch. Stūpas found in the Buddhist tradition are of four types: those buil
Uploaded 7 May 2012