Showing results for "harmful speech"

The Trump Presidency and Lessons I Refuse to Learn
Facing down injustice
Uploaded 17 Feb 2017
<i>Buddhistdoor View</i>: Engaged Buddhism, Donald Trump, and the Way of Compassion
On the question of Buddhist detachment
Uploaded 10 Feb 2017
The US Election and the Vajjians
On the growing need for mutual respect and harmony
Uploaded 2 Dec 2016
<i>Buddhistdoor View</i>: Words Matter—How Harmful Speech is Poisoning Society
US presidential race highlights extent of political decay
Uploaded 4 Mar 2016
<i>Buddhistdoor View</i>: Can Buddhists Use Satire?
Murder is abhorrent. Whatever one’s opinion of the Charlie Hebdo satirists and their line of work, the lethal violence against them was appalling. Yet, while Buddhism respects the protection of life a
Uploaded 23 Jan 2015
Questions from the heart: Advice about practice from Thich Nhat Hanh
This series of questions and answers was recorded on 07/04/2013 for Thay's third dharma talk at his Schools and Educators' retreat in Thailand, April 2013. Here he answered questions from people who s
Uploaded 10 Apr 2013
Sacred Speech and Sacred Bodies
This is a modified version of an article I wrote for MouthLondon, a London youth, media and journalism magazine. The cosmopolitanism of London is one of the many reasons why I’m an Anglophile, b
Uploaded 20 Nov 2011
Journalism: Asking the Basic Questions of Ethics
Much of the Western world, particularly Europe and the UK, has been engulfed in the News of the World scandal, in which journalists of the 168-year old newspaper have been accused of hacking into the
Uploaded 11 Jul 2011
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