Showing results for "technology"

Further Reflections on Technology and the Buddhist Teachings
Can Buddhist wisdom help technological advances contribute to human flourishing?
Uploaded 30 Sep 2021
Responsible Use of Technology For Virtual Sanghas — Gentle Reminders for Good Practices in Mindful Technology
The importance of understanding the ethical rules and possible perils in online Dharma
Uploaded 23 Jan 2021
On Being Brave: Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche on Technology and the Dissemination of the Dharma
The beneficial potential of today’s evolving technology
Uploaded 23 Apr 2020
Technology has given us great powers, but has cut us off from the sources of life
Uploaded 30 Jan 2020
Spirituality in the Brain
Navigating spiritual experiences with the help of emerging neuro-imaging technology
Uploaded 23 Jan 2020
Technology, Systems Thinking, Ethics, and the Dharma
Looking at humanity’s long history and technology’s roots in ancient wisdom
Uploaded 21 Nov 2019
Transformative Technology as the Path Forward for Humanity
Investigating the enhancement of human well-being
Uploaded 12 Sep 2019
Gompa: An Interview with Graham Coleman on an Online Vajrayana Monastery Service
Using modern technology to connect students and monasteries around the world
Uploaded 8 Jun 2019
Guidelines for Authentic Mindful Technology
Using the Noble Eightfold Path to avoid "McMindfulness"
Uploaded 10 May 2019
On Technology and Human Connection: An Interview with Ajahn Brahm
A conversation on being human in a technological world
Uploaded 21 Mar 2019
The Path of Practice in our Digital Age
Discussing fear and responsibility in our interaction with technology
Uploaded 21 Mar 2019
Cyberpunk: The Human Condition amid High-tech Alienation and Urban Dystopia
On the future of Buddhism and technology
Uploaded 15 Mar 2019
Toward Wisdom Computing and Architectures of Awareness
The importance of wisdom traditions for the future of technology
Uploaded 9 Nov 2018
Right Mindfulness in Systems Design
What technology developers and system engineers can learn from mindfulness
Uploaded 18 May 2018
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