Showing results for "ten paramis"

Singapore Exhibition Sheds Light on Ancient Treasures from Myanmar
Exploring the evolution of Buddhist art and architecture
Uploaded 3 Feb 2017
The View from the Top
The final part of Sister Ocean's examination of the ten paramis
Uploaded 2 Dec 2016
A Small and Precious Miracle
Meditating on metta
Uploaded 4 Nov 2016
Procrastination, Determination, and Compassion
The spiritual perfection of adhitthana
Uploaded 7 Oct 2016
Are You Sure?
On truthfulness, the seventh of the ten perfections
Uploaded 9 Sep 2016
Patience is Power
Finding freedom in khanti, the sixth parami
Uploaded 12 Aug 2016
Fine-tuning Your Practice - Wise Effort
How right effort can make a huge difference in practice
Uploaded 15 Jul 2016
Intimacy, Humility, and Stillness: The Perfection of Wisdom
An examination of wisdom, the fourth of the ten paramis
Uploaded 17 Jun 2016
Wonder: The Heart of Renunciation
Stripping away distractions to rediscover wonder
Uploaded 20 May 2016
Inner Goodness: The Perfection of Morality
Understanding happiness and practicing sila
Uploaded 22 Apr 2016
The Perfection of Giving
On the delight of generosity, practiced with mindfulness and unconditional love
Uploaded 24 Mar 2016
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