Call for Proposals for Dalai Lama Fellowships for Nalanda Studies
The New Delhi-based Foundation for Universal Responsibility of His Holiness the Dalai Lama (FUR) is inviting proposals for Dalai Lama Fellowships for Nalanda Studies, seeking to encourage innovative, multidisciplinary engagement and research into the Nalanda tradition that can offer insights into the tradition’s relevance for addressing contemporary issues.
The foundation is inviting proposals for academic research projects of six months beginning 15 March 2021. The fellowships are non-residential. They seek to encourage innovative, multidisciplinary engagement and research into diverse aspects of the Nalanda tradition.
Fellows will need to bring to their work intellectual and academic rigor that facilitates engaged discourse and and appreciation of the Nalanda tradition in the context of India’s rich civilizational heritage.
The fellowships will explore such topics as:
• Facilitating an appreciation of the achievements and legacy of Nalanda University.
• The place of Nalanda in the evolution of the contours of Indian history, philosophy, and the wisdom traditions—Buddhism in general and the Mahayana tradition in particular.
• A deeper understanding of the aspirations of Nalanda for the education of its students, and the structure, methodologies, and principles that were adopted.
• The values and ideas that it sought to nurture in the community that continue to have value and significance today. For example: ahimsa, karuna, scientific method, the celebration of diversity, reaching out to knowledge and traditions other than one’s own.
The fellowships must yield a manuscript of approximately 25,000 words that will achieve the highest standards of academic rigor. The FUR expects to publish these as independent monographs or as a book by an established academic publisher for global distribution.
Fellowships will be awarded for periods of 6–9 months. Nine-month fellowships will carry a grant of up to Rs400,000. Modest grants for works in progress of exceptional demonstrated quality, and joint projects may be considered.
The final number and duration of the fellowships and their value will be determined by the selection committee based on their assessment of the quality and potential of the proposals.
The last date for application is 21 February 2021. All projects are to be completed by December 2021.
The fellowship program is open to individuals currently residing in India and Tibetans in any part of the world. Applicants may come from varied professional backgrounds, including academia, social movements, and media and the arts. Applicants from diverse faith traditions are encouraged to apply.
Dalai Lama Fellowships for Nalanda Studies – Guidelines
Dalai Lama Fellowships for Nalanda Studies – Instructions
For enquiries, write to
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Dalai Lama Fellowships for Nalanda Studies (Foundation for Universal Responsibility of His Holiness the Dalai Lama)
Foundation for Universal Responsibility of His Holiness the Dalai Lama