On the evening of 31 January, the Paramitha Buddhist Vihara in Rockbank, near Melbourne, held a special aushada (medicinal offering) puja to celebrate the inauguration of its Buddhist magazine, Dahamsarana.
The aushada puja featured the offering of traditional Sri Lankan medicinal herbs to the 28 Buddhas as well as extensive recitation of prayers and suttas, as a way of generating merit and good health for individuals, families, communities, and the world in general. The ceremony was conducted by the vihara’s chief resident monk, the Most Venerable Pallewela Devarakkhitha Nayaka Thero, who also gave a Dhamma teaching. Many of the vihara’s members and devotees joyfully and enthusiastically took part in the proceedings, and stayed on to enjoy a delicious variety of traditional Sri Lankan food after the formal part of the evening was over.
The bimonthly Dahamsarana magazine is the first publication produced by the vihara, and one of the first of its kind published in Melbourne. Mostly in the Sinhala language, it will also feature Buddhist teachings and other articles in English. The first edition includes four pieces written in English: “Value of Buddhism for Western type of lives,” by Venerable Derangala Kusalagnana; “When are you happy?,” by Vinhara Goonesekera; “Buddhism in ancient Cambodia,” by Reverend Cambodia Sovan Sum; and “The power of influence,” by Venumi Sedara.
“Many devotees and their families took part in the ceremony, preparing many bundles of medicinal herbs to offer to the Buddhas,” said Venerable Indiparape Dhammasiri, the magazine’s editor and a resident monk at the vihara. “According to Buddhism, caring for sick people and offering medicines generate vast amounts of merit.” He added, “We are so very happy to launch our new Dahamsarana Buddhist magazine, to share the precious Dhamma at this time.”
“All of the participants in our special ceremony had a wonderful time,” commented Paba Palaveni, the vihara’s representative on the Buddhist Council of Victoria committee and the UN Vesak in Victoria committee.
The Paramitha Buddhist Vihara (formerly known as St. Albans Temple) was established in 1999 by the Western Victoria Sri Lankan Buddhist Association. The vihara offers a wide range of services to the Buddhist community for the study and practice of the Buddhist teachings. Regular activities include a daily Buddha puja and a weekly meditation session and children’s Dhamma school, as well as various monthly pujas and teachings. It also offers a biweekly Sinhala language and Sunday school to help the children remain in touch with their Sri Lankan heritage, culture, arts, and language, while at the same time encouraging them to adapt to Australian society.
The chief resident monk, the Most Venerable Pallewela Devarakkhitha Nayaka Thero, was ordained in 1968. He graduated with a BA special degree from Peradeniya University and completed his MA at the University of Kelaniya. He also has a postgraduate diploma in Human Rights from Colombo University and a Bachelor of Law degree from Sri Lanka Law College. He served as a lecturer, administrator, and director of Sri Subhadrarama Piriwena for 20 years, providing a great service to Buddhist education in Sri Lanka. He moved to Australia in 2001.
The vihara hopes to continue to share the Dhamma with all who are interested, providing a suitable place for its study and practice, and to have a positive influence on society.
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