Showing results for "gandhara"

Ethics Complaint about Gandharan Manuscripts Leads to Admonishment of Australian Academic
Importing Buddhist manuscripts into Australia may have violated international law
Uploaded 23 Feb 2021
Four Arrested in Pakistan for Destroying 1,700-year-old Buddha Statue
Gandharan statue unsalvageable, according to archaeologist
Uploaded 24 Jul 2020
Ancient Buddhist Statues Come Back to Life Thanks to University of Chicago Researchers
Ancient Gandharan statues were destroyed by the Taliban
Uploaded 10 Jan 2020
US Library of Congress Gives Glimpse into Early Buddhist Texts from Gandhara
Text brings us even closer to the historical Buddha
Uploaded 30 Jul 2019
British Museum to Return “Stunning” Gandharan Buddhist Artifacts to Afghanistan
Pieces likely stolen by the Taliban will first go on display in London
Uploaded 9 Jul 2019
First exhibition of Gandhara Buddhist Antiquities Opens in South Korea
Exhibit highlights religious ties between South Korea and Pakistan
Uploaded 30 Jun 2017
From Gandhāra to Gupta
Conference at The Courtauld Institute of Art
Uploaded 21 Apr 2017
Is Time Running Out for the 5,000-year-old Mes Aynak Archeological Site in Afghanistan?
Remarkable historical site sits atop one of the world's largest copper deposits
Uploaded 9 Feb 2017
7th Century Buddha Image in Pakistan Restored Nine Years After Islamist Desecration
Carving considered to be one of the finest examples of Gandharan art
Uploaded 25 Nov 2016
Pakistani Press Attaché in Sri Lanka Known for Deploying “Buddhist Diplomacy” Leaves Post
Muhammad Daud Ehtisham is a collector of Buddhist art and artifacts
Uploaded 30 Sep 2016
Layers of Indo-Greek City Discovered in Swat Valley, Pakistan
Ancient layers of pre-Mauryan, Indo-Greek, and Kushan civilization unearthed
Uploaded 11 Jul 2016
Pakistan Hosts First Official Observation of Vesak Festival
Occasion attended by delegation from Sri Lanka
Uploaded 31 May 2016
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