Meditation with Ven. Dr. Barry Kerzin: Compassion Meditation
Uploaded 12 April 2016 | Provided by: Buddhistdoor Global | Views: 596

"Tonglen" meditation means taking the suffering of others and bringing it into ourselves so that we can transform it from dark, painful energy into, loving, light, bright energy It is coordinated with the breath, with inhalation taking in suffering, dark, smoky energy, and exhalation releasing loving, wise, shining light.

Ven. Dr. Barry Kerzin is a Buddhist monk, teacher, and medical doctor. He is the Founder and President of Altruism in Medicine Institute, the Chairman of Human Values Institute, Japan, Honorary Professor at The University of Hong Kong, and former Assistant Professor of Medicine at the University of Washington in Seattle.

He has completed many short and long meditation retreats over the last 28 years, including a 3-year retreat. At the University of Wisconsin, Madison, and Princeton University, he was a subject for research on long-term meditators. This research has been published in the leading neuroscience journals in the world.

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