Mindfulness Applications for Depression - Interview with Mark Williams, Oxford Mindfulness Centre
Uploaded 16 December 2013 | Provided by: Buddhistdoor International | Views: 1,791

Depression, and the suffering of individuals, their families and communities is a very serious health burden to endure. New approaches to preventing relapse and recurrence of depression are being developed and tested in mindfulness-based programs around the world.

Mark Williams, D.Phil, is a Professor of Clinical Psychology and Wellcome Principal Research Fellow at the University of Oxford. He holds a joint appointment in the Department of Psychiatry and the Department of Experimental Psychology. With colleagues, he developed the MBCT (Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy) Program which is proving to significantly reduce the relapse and recurrence of depression  in long-term sufferers.

In this interview, he explains about depression in adults and teenagers and how mindfulness practices can work to help those who are vulnerable and at risk for relapse.


Professor Mark Williams, Oxford Mindfulness Centre
Cathy Ziengs, Executive Coordinator, Buddhistdoor International

Filmed on location at HKU Buddhist Meditative Praxis Conference,
Hong Kong, August 2013

Video editing: Stanley Tung
Music by Kevin MacLeod
"Resignation" & "Easy Lemon"

Produced by Buddhistdoor International (2013)

Related links:

Oxford Mindfulness Centre

Gina Biegel

William Kuyken in British Journal of Psychiatry:

Mindfulness in Schools Project:

Look for Mark's many books:

Unlocking the Mind Special Edition:

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