Public Talk by Ven. Matthieu Ricard: The Altruism Revolution
Uploaded 19 November 2015 | Provided by: The University of Hong Kong, Centre of Buddhist Studies | Views: 2,668
Buddhist monk Matthieu Ricard is a legendary figure in the world of Tibetan Buddhism. Having completed a PhD in biology (cell genetics), he decided instead to devote his life to the study and practice of Buddhism, and has studied under some of the greatest teachers in the Vajrayana tradition. A gifted photographer, he has also authored and translated numerous books. In 2000, he founded Karuna-Shechen, which provides health care, education, and social services for the under-served people of India, Nepal, and Tibet. In total he oversees more than 140 humanitarian projects in Asia, and also participates actively in scientific research on the effects of meditation on the brain. 
In this talk, given in September 2015 at the Centre of Buddhist Studies at The University of Hong Kong, Matthieu discusses how the power of compassion can change us for the better. 
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