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VIDEO CHANNEL Yantra Yoga and Vajra Dance with Chögyal Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche
Uploaded 29 May 2013 | Provided by: Buddhistdoor Global | Views: 14,602
An exclusive interview with Anthony Scott and Chogyal Namkhai Norbu, a tulku of the great Dzogchen teacher Adzom Drugpa.
Born in Derghe to a Tibetan family, Chogyal Norbu went to Italy when he was 22 years old and has served as professor of Tibetan and Mongolian language and literature at the Naples Eastern University from 1964 to 1992.
He is widely recognized as a leading authority on Tibetan culture, particularly in the fields of history, literature, and Traditional Tibetan medicine and astrological sciences such as the Tibetan calendar.
In the interview he talks about his first visit to Hong Kong, Yantra Yoga, Vajra Dance and Dzogchen teachings.
Produced by Cathy Ziengs Directed by Andreas Liesenfeld Hosted by Anthony Scott for Buddhistdoor International, 2012