Dictionary Definition :
Apalāsin (adj.) [apaḷāsin; but spelling altogether uncertain. There seems to exist a confusion between the forms apalāyin, apalāpin & apalāsin, owing to freq. miswriting of s, y, p in MSS. (cp. Nd2 introd. p. xix.). We should be inclined to give apalāsin, as the lectio difficilior, the preference. The expln. at Pug 22 as "yassa puggalassa ayaŋ paḷāso pahīno ayaŋ vuccati puggalo apaḷāsī" does not help us to clear up the etym. nor the vv. ll.] either "not neglectful, pure, clean" (= apalāpin fr. palāsa chaff, cp. apalāyin at J v.4), or "not selfish, not hard, generous" (as inferred from combn. with amakkhin & amaccharin), or "brave, fearless, energetic" (= apalāyin) D iii.47, cp. Pug 22. See palāsin.
Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede,
apalāṣuka , apalāyī , apalāyin , apalekhana , apalekhati , apalāṣikā , apalāśa , apalapita , apalāpin , apalapana