Dictionary Definition :
Apalekhana (nt.) [apa + lekhana from likh in meaning of lih, corresponding to Sk. ava -- lehana] licking off, in cpd. hatthâpalekhana "hand -- licking" (i. e. licking one's hand after a meal, the practice of certain ascetics) M 177 (with v. l. hatthâvalekhana M i.535; Trenckner compares BSk. hastapralehaka Lal. Vist. 312 & hastâvalehaka ibid. 323), 412; Pug 55 (expld. at Pug A 231 as hatthe piṇḍamhe niṭṭhite jivhāya hatthaŋ apalekhati).
Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede,
apalekhati , apalepa , apāli , apalibuddha , apalibuddha & apalibodha , apalāyin , apalāyī , apalāṣuka , apalāsin , apalāṣikā