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眼 Eye, eyeballs.


cakṣu [cakkhu] an eye, vision. Five kinds of vision (eyes) are mentioned in the Buddhist tradition.(1) the human or physical vision, māṃsa-cakṣu [maṃsa-cakkhu];
(2) the deva vision: divya-cakṣu [dibba-cakkhu], that is, the unlimited vision or the vision that sees everything in the hidden worlds;
(3) the wisdom vision: prajñā-cakṣu [paññā-cakkhu], the vision of perfect understanding, that is, the knowledge of all that can be known and knowing that all things are unreal;
(4) the dharma vision: dharma-cakṣu [dhamma-cakkhu] that is the vision that enters everything to see the truth that makes men free from the cycle of birth and death;
(5) the Buddha vision: buddha cakṣu [buddha cakkhu], that is, the vision of a Buddha; the omniscient that can comprehend the spiritual state of a human being.

     There is also a mention of the vision of all-round knowledge -- the samanta cakṣu [samanta-cakkhu]. It is the vision of the perfected one, mostly of the Tathāgata. Except the physical vision, others can be said to be spiritual qualities.

Buddhānusmṛti - A Glossary of Buddhist Terms
Aṭṭhasālinī. II. 422-423. The Flower Ornament Scripture. I. 104. Lalita-Vistara. VIII. 67. Majjhima Nikāya. Ākaṅkheyya, Bhayabherava, Mahāgosiṅga, Mahāsaccaka, Mahāsāropama. Mahāvastu Avadāna. 118-120. The Vajracchedikā. XVIII. 135. Visuddhimagga. III. 90.

cakṣus: Eye.

Sarvastivada Abhidharma, Sanskrit-English Glossary, by Bhikkhu KL Dhammajoti
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