車也 A transliteration of the Sanskrit chāya. Shadow.
chāya m. granting shade (Śiva) MBh. xii, 10374
• n. (cf. Pāṇ. 2-4, 22 and 25 ; vi, 2, 14) ifc. (especially after a word to be taken in the gen.) shadow Mn. iii, 274 Ragh. iv, 20 ; vii, 4 ; xii, 50
• reflection Naish. vi, 34
• colour, complexion, beauty Megh. 102
• (ā́), f. ?, shade, shadow, a shady place ('a covered place, house' Naigh. iii, 4) RV. i, 73, 8 ; ii, 33, 6 ; vi, 16, 38 AV. VS. v, xv AitBr. vii, 12 ŚBr. &c
• the shadow of a gnomon Sūryas.
• shelter, protection, Hit iii, 8, 1/2
• a reflected image, reflection RV. v, 44, 6 ; x, 121, 2 VS. ii, 8 AV. v, 21, 8 PraśnUp. Mn. &c
• shading or blending of colours, play of light or colours, lustre, light, colour, colour of the face, complexion, features Suśr. VarBṛS. lxviii, 89 ff. Ragh. iv, 5 Megh. (ifc. f. ā) &c
• gracefulness, beauty, 77 & 101 VP. iv, 4, 31 Kathās. īc
• a series, multitude (paṅkti) Pañcat. i, 16, 8
• a Sanskṛit gloss on a Prākṛit text
• a copy (of a MS.)
• a little (ifc.) Veṇis. vi, 13/14, 1
• nightmare, Buddh' L.
• a bribe L.
• Ṣadow', (like Saṃjñā) wife of the sun and mother of the planet Saturn Hariv. 545 ff. VP. iii, 2 BhP. vi, viii MatsyaP. Kathās. cv
• (N. of a Śakti) Hcat. i, 5, 197
• the sun L.
• a metre of 4 x 19 syllables
• a kind of rhetorical figure Sarasv. ii, 5
• (in music) N. of a Rāga
• N. of Kātyāyanī (or Durgā W.) L.