don byed nus pa'i ldog pa dang yin khyab mnyam
Dictionary Definition :
don byed nus pa'i ldog pa dang yin khyab mnyam
[translation-eng] {Hopkins} mutually inclusive with isolate of able to perform a function
[division-bod] dbye ba 1 don byed nus pa dang gcig 2 don byed nus pa dang gcig tu gyur pa'i don byed nus pa/ 3 dngos po'i mtshan nyid/ 4 dngos po'i rdzas yod chos gsum tshang ba/
[division-eng] (1) one with able to perform a function; (2) [something that is] able to perform a function that is one with able to perform a function; (3) definition of functioning thing; (4) triply qualified actual existent that is a functioning thing
Jeffrey Hopkins' Tibetan-Sanskrit-English Dictionary
don byed nus pa'i mtshon bya , don byed nus pa'i rdzas yod , don byed nus stong gi chos , don byed pa , don byed pa'i nus stong pa , don byed nus pa'i btags yod chos gsum tshang ba , don byed nus pa las gzhan pa'i chos gang gi yang mtshon bya mi byed pa'i chos , don byed nus pa , don byed , don bya ba don spyod pa