don byed nus pa'i rdzas yod
Dictionary Definition :
don byed nus pa'i rdzas yod
[translation-eng] {Hopkins} substantial existent in the sense of being able to perform a function
Jeffrey Hopkins' Tibetan-Sanskrit-English Dictionary
don byed nus stong gi chos , don byed pa , don byed pa'i nus stong pa , don byed pa'i yon tan , don byed snang can gyi dbang mngon gyi tshad ma , don byed nus pa'i mtshon bya , don byed nus pa'i ldog pa dang yin khyab mnyam , don byed nus pa'i btags yod chos gsum tshang ba , don byed nus pa las gzhan pa'i chos gang gi yang mtshon bya mi byed pa'i chos , don byed nus pa