foundations of mindfulness, the 4: Satipaṭṭhāna(q.v.) .
dran pa nye bar bzhag pa
[translation-san] {MSA,MV} smṛtyupasthāna
[translation-san] {C} upasthitaṃ smṛte
[translation-san] {C} upasthitasmṛtayaḥ
[translation-eng] {Hopkins} mindful establishment(s); establishment in mindfulness
[translation-eng] {C} foundation(s)/support(s) of mindfulness; one whose mindfulness is well established; mindful; {GD:112} application of mindfulness
[division-bod] dbye ba 1 lus kyi nyer bzhag 2 tshor ba'i nyer bzhag 3 bsam pa'i nyer bzhag 4 chos kyi nyer bzhag
[division-eng] Divisions: (1) mindful establishment of body; (2) mindful establishment of feelings; (3) mindful establishment of thoughts; (4) mindful establishment of phenomena
- [bod] dran pa nyer bzhag
dran par nyer bar bzhag pa
[translation-san] smṛtyupasthāna
[translation-eng] {C} foundation(s)/support(s) of mindfulness; one whose mindfulness is well established; mindful; {GD:536} the four applications of mindfulness
[division-bod] dbye ba 1 lus kyi nyer bzhag 2 tshor ba'i nyer bzhag 3 bsam pa'i nyer bzhag 4 chos kyi nyer bzhag
[division-eng] Divisions: (1) mindful establishment of body; (2) mindful establishment of feelings; (3) mindful establishment of thoughts; (4) mindful establishment of phenomena
- [bod] dran pa nyer bzhag