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four stages of cultivation
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Lu Sect or Vinaya Sect divides four different stages in cultivation of Buddhahood through Vinaya:

  1. The Stage of Vow and Joy ( 願樂位 ) -- It takes one ASaṃkhyeya Kalpa to achieve by practicing Ten Faith, Ten Dwelling, Ten Conduct, Ten Transference, etc.
  2. The Stage of Visualization ( 見位 ) -- It is equivalent to the first stage of Bodhisattva, in which the Way or the Truth is visualized.
  3. The Stage of Cultivation ( 修位 ) -- It is equivalent to the second to seventh stage of Bodhisattva, in which the practitioner cultivates the Way. It takes another Asaṃkhyeya Kalpa to achieve the above two stages.
  4. The Stage of Eternity ( 究竟位 ) -- It also takes one Asamkhyeya Kalpa to achieve. It is equivalent to the eighth and the tenth stage of Bodhisattva.
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