four stages of cultivation
Dictionary Definition :
Lu Sect or Vinaya Sect divides four different stages in cultivation of Buddhahood through Vinaya:
- The Stage of Vow and Joy ( 願樂位 ) -- It takes one ASaṃkhyeya Kalpa to achieve by practicing Ten Faith, Ten Dwelling, Ten Conduct, Ten Transference, etc.
- The Stage of Visualization ( 見位 ) -- It is equivalent to the first stage of Bodhisattva, in which the Way or the Truth is visualized.
- The Stage of Cultivation ( 修位 ) -- It is equivalent to the second to seventh stage of Bodhisattva, in which the practitioner cultivates the Way. It takes another Asaṃkhyeya Kalpa to achieve the above two stages.
- The Stage of Eternity ( 究竟位 ) -- It also takes one Asamkhyeya Kalpa to achieve. It is equivalent to the eighth and the tenth stage of Bodhisattva.