mārga [magga] the four stages of righteousness. The spiritual development of a śrāvaka, that is, a disciple consists of four stages, namely, the stage of stream enterer (srotāpanna) [sotāpanno], once returner (sakṛdāgāmin) [sakadāgāmi], non returner (anāgāmin) [anāgāmī] and holy (Arhat) [Arahant]. These stages ultimately culminate into nirvāṇa. Each of these four stages has two states, namely, that of effort and of attainment. The state of effort is considered to be the lower and that of attainment to be the higher state. Thus the number of states is eight, namely, srotāpattimārga, strotāpattiphala, sakṛdāgāmimārga, sakṛdāgāmiphala, anāgāmimārga, anāgāmiphala, Arhanmārga, and Arhattva.
The stage of effort of a 'stream enterer' is known as darśana-mārga (way of view) because at this stage the theoretical errors of view are overcome. Stages two to seven are known as bhāvanā-mārga, the stages of practice. In these stages truth is cultivated and defilements regarding thought and practice are overcome. The highest stage, that of an Arhat is attained at the extinction of all defilements.