Dictionary Definition :
○karṇa m. 'belleared', N. of an attendant of Skanda, ix, 2526
• of an attendant of Śiva (supposed to preside over cutaneous complaints, and worshipped for exemption from them in the month Caitra Tithyād.) Hariv. 14849 ŚivaP.
• of a Piśāca attendant on Kubera Hariv. 14630
• of a Rākshasa Hit. ii, 5, 0/1
• (ī), f. N. of a goddess Hcat.
• ○rṇêśvara n. N. of a Liṅga SkandaP.
Sanskrit-English Dictionary, by M. Monier William
ghaṇṭāli , ghaṇṭāmaṇḍapa , ghaṇṭāmudrā , ghaṇṭāmukha , ghaṇṭānāda , ghaṇṭaka , ghaṇṭābīja , ghaṇṭābha , ghaṇṭā , ghaṇṭ