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Dictionary Definition :

gotta : [nt.] clan; ancestry.

A.P. Buddhadatta Mahathera, Concise Pali-English and English-Pali Dictionary [available as digital version from Metta Net, Sri Lanka]

Gotta (nt.) [Vedic gotra, to go] ancestry, lineage. There is no word in English for gotta. It includes all those descended, or supposed to be descended, from a common ancestor. A gotta name is always distinguished from the personal name, the name drawn from place of origin or residence, or from occupation, and lastly from the nick -- name. It probably means agnate rather than cognate. About a score of gotta names are known. They are all assigned to the Buddha's time. See also Rh. D. Dialogues i.27, 195 sq. -- jāti gotta lakkhaṇa Sn 1004; gotta salakkhaṇa Sn 1018; Ādiccā nāma gottena, Sākiyā nāma jātiyā Sn 423; jāti gotta kula J ii.3; jātiyā gottena bhogena sadisa "equal in rank, lineage & wealth" DhA ii.218. -- evaŋ -- gotta (adj.) belonging to such & such an ancestry M i.429; ii.20, 33; kathaŋ˚ of what lineage, or: what is your family name? D i.92; nānā˚ (pl.) of various families Pv ii.916. -- With nāma (name & lineage, or nomen et cognomen): nāmagottaŋ Vin i.93; ii.239; D i.92 (expl. at DA i.257: paññatti -- vasena nāmaŋ paveṇi -- vasena gottaŋ: the name for recognition, the surname for lineage); Sn 648; Vv 8445(with nāma & nāmadheyya; expl. at VvA 348<-> 349: nāmadheyya, as Tisso, Phusso, etc.; gotta, as Bhaggavo Bhāradvājo, etc.). -- gottena by the ancestral name: Vin i.93; D ii.154; Sn 1019; Dh 393; gottato same J i.56. Examples: Ambaṭṭha Kaṇhāyana -- gottena D i.92; Vipassī Koṇḍañño g˚; Kakusandho Kassapo g˚; Bhagavā Gotamo g˚ D ii.3; Nāgito Kassapo g˚ DA i.310; Vasudevo Kaṇho g˚ PvA 94.
   -- thaddha conceited as regards descent (+jāti˚ & dhana˚) Sn 104; -- pañha question after one's family name Sn 456; -- paṭisārin (adj.) relying on lineage D i.99 (cp. Dialogues i.122); A v.327 sq.; -- bandhava connected by family ties (ñāti˚+) Nd2 455; -- rakkhita protected by a (good) name Sn 315; VvA 72; -- vādatalk over lineage, boasting as regards descent D i.99.

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede,

gotta: n. 姓

巴漢辭典 編者:(斗六) 廖文燦

種姓Family, clan, blood lineage; especially a clan in the pre-modern sense of a large group of related people having the same surname. (Skt. gotra; Pali gotta) Etymologically, gotra is derived from go, which means "cattle" and √trai, which means "to protect." Thus the word originally referred to a fence which surrounded cattle. Applied to human beings, it refers to family boundaries of blood lineage, etc. Also translated into Chinese as 種性.

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