Great Vehicle path of meditation
Dictionary Definition :
theg chen gyi sgom lam
- bsgom
- sgom
- bsgoms
- sgoms
[translation-eng] {Hopkins} Great Vehicle path of meditation
[definition-bod] mtshan nyid theg chen gyi rjes la mngon rtogs/
[definition-eng] Def.: a Great Vehicle subsequent clear realizer
[division-bod] dbye ba chung ngu skor bzhi/ 'bring skor gsum/ chen po skor bzhi/
[division-eng] Div.: (1-4) the four smaller cycles; (5-7) the three middling cycles; (8-11) the four greater cycles
[comments] Comment: This is one of the five paths of the Great Vehicle: path of accumulation (tshogs lam); path of preparation (sbyor lam); path of seeing (mthong lam); path of meditation (sgom lam); and path of no more learning (mi slob lam).
Jeffrey Hopkins' Tibetan-Sanskrit-English Dictionary
Great Vehicle path of no more learning , Great Vehicle realization , Great Vehicle sūtra(s) , great-souled , greaten , Great Vehicle path , Great Vehicle exalted knower included either within that which causes progress toward the Great Vehicle enlightenment or within having progressed toward the Great Vehicle enlightenment , Great Vehicle exalted knower , Great Vehicle doctrine(s) , Great Vehicle clear realizer