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Great Vehicle path of no more learning
Dictionary Definition :


theg chen gyi mi slob lam

[translation-san] mahāhyāna-aśaikṣa-mārga

[translation-eng] {Hopkins} Great Vehicle path of no more learning

[definition-bod] mtshan nyid sgrib gnyis zad par spangs pa'i mthar thug gi mkhyen pa/

[definition-eng] Def.: a final exalted knower that involves a state of having completely abandoned the two obstructions

[division-bod] dbye ba 1 ji lta pa mkhyen pa'i rnam mkhyen/ 2 ji snyed pa mkhyen pa'i rnam mkhyen pa/

[division-eng] Div.: (1) exalted knowers of all aspects that know the mode; (2) exalted knowers of all aspects that know the varieties; or: (1) mirror-like exalted wisdom; (2) exalted wisdom of sameness; (3) exalted wisdom of individual realization; (4) exalted wisdom of achieving activities; (5) exalted wisdom of the element of qualities


  • [bod] rnam mkhyen/ ye shes chos sku/

[comments] Comment: This is one of the five paths of the Great Vehicle: path of accumulation (tshogs lam); path of preparation (sbyor lam); path of seeing (mthong lam); path of meditation (sgom lam); and path of no more learning (mi slob lam).

Jeffrey Hopkins' Tibetan-Sanskrit-English Dictionary
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