Dictionary Definition :
Ibbha (adj.) [Ved. ibhya belonging to the servants] menial; a retainer, in the phrase muṇḍakā samaṇakā ibbhā kaṇhā (kiṇhā)bandhupādâpaccā D i.90 (v. l. SS imbha; T. kiṇhā, v. l. kaṇhā), 91, 103; M i.334 (kiṇhā, v. l. kaṇhā). Also at J vi.214. Expld. by Bdhgh. as gahapatika at DA i.254, (also at J vi.215).
Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede,
ibex , ibha , ibhadantā , ibhagandhā , ibhakaṇā , i-shan i-ning , i-kung , i-kuan tao , i-ching , i will become a buddha