btags pa'i yod pa
- gdags
- 'dogs
- btags/brtags
- thogs
[translation-san] {MV} prajñapti-sat
[translation-eng] {Hopkins} imputed existent; imputedly existent
btags par yod
- gdags
- 'dogs
- btags/brtags
- thogs
[translation-san] {MSA} prajñaptito 'sti
[translation-eng] {Hopkins} imputedly existent; imputed existent
btags yod
- gdags
- 'dogs
- btags/brtags
- thogs
[translation-san] prajñapti-sat
[translation-eng] {Hopkins} imputed existence; imputed existent; imputedly existent
[definition-bod] mtshan nyid rang nyid ngos gzung ba la chos gzhan ngos gzung ba la ltos dgos pa
[definition-eng] Definition: a phenomenon whose apprehension must depend upon apprehending another phenomenon
[division-bod] dbye ba 1 gdags gzhi gzhan la brten nas btags pa'i btags yod/ 2 rang nyid gzung ba chos gzhan bzung ba la ltos dgos pa'i btags yod/ 3 rtog pas btags tsam gyis btags yod/
[division-eng] Divisions: (1) imputed existents that are imputed in dependence upon another, their basis of imputation; (2) imputed existents whose apprehension must depend upon apprehending another phenomenon; (3) imputed existents that are merely imputed by thought