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kanta : [adj.] pleasant; lovely; agreeable. (m.), the beloved one; husband. (pp. of kamati), gone; entered into. || kantā (f.), a woman; the wife

A.P. Buddhadatta Mahathera, Concise Pali-English and English-Pali Dictionary [available as digital version from Metta Net, Sri Lanka]

Kanta1 [Sk. kānta, pp. of kāmeti] -- 1. (adj.) in special sense an attribute of worldly pleasure (cp. kāma, kāmaguṇā): pleasant, lovely, enjoyable; freq. in form. iṭṭhā kantā manāpā, referring to the pleasures of the senses S i.245; ii.192; iv.60, 158, 235 sq.; v.22, 60, 147; A ii.66 sq.; M i.85; Sn 759; It 15; Vbh 2, 100, 337; bāla˚ (lovely in the opinion of the ignorant) Sn 399.<-> D ii.265; iii.227 (ariya˚); J iii.264; v.447; with ref. to the fruit of action as giving pleasure: ˚phala Kvu 35, 211, PvA 277 (hatthi -- ) k˚ pleasing to elephants; of manta DhA i.163; of vīṇā J vi.255, 262; DhA i.163. -- 2. beloved by, favourite of, charming J vi.255, 262; DhA i.163. -- 3. (n.) the beloved one, the husband J vi.370 (wrongly written kan tena); of a precious stone Miln 118; Sdhp 608, cp. suriya˚, canda˚ -- kantā (f.) the beloved one, the wife J v.295; kantena (instr.) agreeably, with kind words A ii.213; J v.486 (where porisādassa kante should be read as porisādassak' ante). -- a˚ undesired, disagreeable, unpleasant, in same form as kanta, e. g. D ii.192; in other combn J v.295; Vbh 100; Nett 180; PvA 193. -- akantena with unpleasant words A ii.213. -- kantatara compar. J iii.260.
   -- bhāva the state of being pleasant DA i.76; VvA 323.

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede,

Kanta2 [pp. of kantati2, Sk. kṛtta. kanta is analogy- form. after pres. kantati, regularly we should expect katta. See also avakanta. It may be simply misreading for katta, cp. Kern, Toev. under parikanta.] cut, cut out or off Th 2, 223 (˚salla=samucchinna -- rāg' -- ādisalla ThA 179) cp. katta & pari˚.

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede,

kanta: I. a. 所愛  II. pp. 切割

巴漢辭典 編者:(斗六) 廖文燦

kanta mfn. (fr. 1. kam ind.), happy Pāṇ. 5-2, 138


Sanskrit-English Dictionary, by M. Monier William
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