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Kantaka (v.l. Kandaka)

A novice ordained by Upananda.

Kantaka committed an offence with another novice, Mahaka. When this became known, a rule was passed that no monk should ordain two novices (Vin.i.79); this rule was, however, later rescinded (Vin.i.83).

Elsewhere (Vin.i.85), Kantaka is mentioned as being expelled from the Order for having had sexual intercourse with a nun, Kantakā by name.

According to the Pacittiya (Vin.iv.138f), Kantaka held the same false views as Arittha (q.v.), and for that reason he was expelled from the Sangha.

The Chabbaggiya monks, however, received him into their ranks and gave him every encouragement.

In the Samantapāsadikā (iv.874) Kantakasāmanera is mentioned with Arittha and the Vajjiputtakas, as having been an enemy of the Buddha's religion.

Dictionary of Pali Proper Names, G P Malalasekera (1899-1973), which is available as printed version from
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