kliṣṭa: Defiled. This includes both what is akuśala and what is nivṛtāvyākṛta.
nyon mong can
[translation-san] kliṣṭa
[translation-eng] {Hopkins} afflicted
nyon mongs
[translation-san] {LCh,C,MV} kleśa
[translation-san] {√kliś} : {MSA}kliśyate
[translation-san] {C} kliśyati
[translation-san] {MSA
[translation-san] MV}kliṣṭa
[translation-san] {MSA} saṃkliṣṭa
[translation-san] {C} vihanyate
[translation-eng] {Hopkins} affliction; afflictive emotions
[translation-eng] {C} be afflicted; to resist(?)
[comments] Comment: The afflictive emotions are commonly identified as the six root afflictions and the twenty secondary afflictions (rtsa nyon, mūlakleśa). The six root afflictions are: desire ('dod chogs, rāga); (2) anger (khong khro, pratigha); (3) pride (nga rgyal, māna); (4) ignorance (ma rig pa, avidyā); (5) doubt (the tshom, vicikitsā); (6) afflicted view (lta ba nyon mongs can, kliṣṭa-dṛṣṭi). The twenty secondary afflictions (nye nyon nyi shu, upakleśa): (1) belligerence (khro ba, krodha); (2) resentment ('khon 'dzin, upanāha); (3) concealment ('chab pa, mrakṣa); (4) spite ('tshig pa, pradāsa); (5) jealousy (īrṣyā); (6) miserliness (mātsarya); (7) deceit (sgyu, māyā); (8) dissimulation (g.yo, śāṭhya); (9) haughtiness (rgyags pa, mada); (10) harmfulness (rnam par 'tshe ba, vihiṃsā); (11) non-shame (ngo tsha med pa, āhrīkya); (12) non-embarrassment (khrel med, anapatrāpya); (13) lethargy (rmugs pa, styāna); (14) excitement (rgod pa, auddhatya); (15) non-faith (ma dad pa, āśraddhya); (16) laziness (le lo, kausīdya); (17) non-conscientiousness (bag med pa, pramāda); (18) forgetfulness (brjed nges pa, muṣita-smṛtitā); (19) non-introspection (shes bzhin ma yin pa, asaṃprajanya); (20) distraction (rnam par g/yeng pa, vikṣepya).
- [bod] 'di gsum nyon mongs can zhes sbyar
- [eng] these three are specified as ""afflictive""
nyon mongs can
[translation-san] {MSA} kliṣṭa
[translation-eng] {Hopkins} afflicted; {T} afflictive
nyon mongs pa can
[translation-san] {MSA} kliṣṭa
[translation-eng] {Hopkins} afflicted