kosa : [m.] store-room; treasury; a sheath; a cocoon; a measure of length, (which is about 1.000 yards.).
Kosa1 (m. nt.) [cp. Sk. kośa and koṣa, cavity, box vessel, cp. Goth. hūs, E. house; related also kukṣi=P. kucchi] any cavity or enclosure containing anything, viz. 1. a store -- room or storehouse, treasury or granary A iv.95 (rāja˚); Sn 525; J iv.409 (=wealth, stores); J vi.81 (aḍḍhakosa only half a house) in cpd. -- ˚koṭṭhāgāra, expld at DA i.295 as koso vuccati bhaṇḍāgāraŋ. Four kinds are mentioned: hatthī˚, assā˚, rathā˚, raṭṭhaŋ˚. <-> 2. a sheath, in khura˚ Vism 251, paṇṇa˚ KhA 46. <-> 3. a vessel or bowl for food: see kosaka. -- 4. a cocoon, see -- ˚kāraka; -- 5. the membranous cover of the male sexual organ, the praeputium J v.197. The Com. expls by sarīra -- saŋkhāta k˚. See cpd. kosohita. <-> Cp. also kosī.
-- ārakkha the keeper of the king's treasury (or granary) A iii.57; -- ohita ensheathed, in phrase kosohita vatthaguyha "having the pudendum in a bag." Only in the brahmin cosmogonic myth of the superman (mahā -- purisa) D iii.143, 161. Applied as to this item, to the Buddha D i.106 (in the Cy DA i.275, correct the misprint kesa into kosa) D ii.17; Sn 1022 pp. 106, 107; Miln 167. For the myth see Dial iii.132 -- 136. -- kāraka the "cocoon -- maker," i. e. the silk -- worm, Vin iii.224; Vism 251. -- koṭṭhāgāra "treasury and granary" usually in phrase paripuṇṇa -- k -- k (adj.) "with stores of treasures and other wealth" Vin i.342; D i.134; S i.89; Miln 2; & passim.
Kosa2 at VvA 349 is marked by Hardy, Index and trsld by scar or pock. It should be corrected to kesa, on evidence of corresp. passage in ThA 267 (cp. koccha).