Ku (kud -- and kum -- ) 3rd stem of interrog. pron. ka (on form and meaning cp. kad;=Lat.* qṷu in (qṷ)ubi, like katara < (qṷ)uter; cp. also Vedic kū how? Sk. kutra, kutaḥ, kuha, kva) where? when? whither? whence? As adv. in cpds. in disparaging sense of "what of"? i. e. nothing of, bad, wrong, little, e. g. kum -- magga wrong path; kuk -- kucca=kud -- kicca doing wrong, troubling about little=worry. -- kuŋ at PvA 57 (in expl. of kuñjara) is interpreted as paṭhavi.
1. Kuto where from? whence? Dh 62; k˚bhayaŋ whence i. e. why fear? Dh 212 sq.; Sn 270, 862; Pv ii.69; how? J vi.330; with nu whence or why then? Sn 1049 (=kacci ssu Nd2 s. v.). kut -- ettha=kuto ettha J. i.53. -- na kuto from nowhere Sn 35, 919; a -- kuto id. in akutobhaya "with nothing to fear from anywhere" i. e. with no reason for fear S i.192; Th 1, 510; Th 11, 333; Sn 561 (modāmi akutobhayo); Pv ii.121 (id.); kuto -- ja arisen from where? Sn 270; -- ˚nidāna having its foundation or origin in what? Sn 270, 864 sq.
2. Kudā at what time, when? (cp. kadā) Pug 27; indef. kudācanaŋ: at any time, na k˚ never Sn 221 (expl. by soḷasim pi kalaŋ SnA 277); Dh 5, 210; Bdhd 125; gamanena na pattabbo lokass' anto k˚ "by walking, the end of the world can never be reached" S i.62.
3. Kuva, kva, where? Sn 970 (kuvaŋ & kuva) indef. kvaci anywhere; with na: nowhere; yassa n'atthi upamā kvaci "of whom (i. e. of Gotama) there is no likeness anywhere" Sn 1137; cp. 218, 395; expld by Nd2 like kuhiñci. kuvaŋ at D iii.183.
4. Kutha (kudha) where? J v.485 (=kuhiŋ).
5. Kuhiŋ (=kuhaŋ, cp. Sk. kuha) where? whither? Often with fut.: k˚ bhikkhu gamissati Sn 411; ko gacchasi where are you going? Pv ii.81; tvaŋ ettakaŋ divasaŋ k˚ gatā where have you been all these days? PvA 6; 13; 42; indef. kuhiñci, anywhere, with na k˚: nowhere, or: not in anything, in: n'atthi taṇhā k˚ loke "he has no desire for anything in this world" Sn 496, 783, 1048 see Nd on 783 & 1048=kimhici; Dh 180.