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panunna (paṇunna & panuṇṇa)
Dictionary Definition :

Panunna (Paṇunna & Panuṇṇa) [pp. of panudati] (med. & pass.) put away, rejected or rejecting, dispelled, driven away, sent A ii.29; v.31; Sn 469 (˚kodha); Jvi.247, 285; Kvu 597 (ito p., trsld "ending here").
   -- paccekasacca one who has rejected each of the four false truths (the 5th of the 10 noble states, ariyavāsā: see Vin. Texts i.141) D iii.269, 270; A ii.41;v.29 sq.

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede,