(Sanskrit; Pāli, sin). That which is evil or wrongful and leads to suffering. Pāpa is the opposite of puṇya (meritorious action) and whereas puṇya leads to a heavenly rebirth, pāpa brings about rebirth in one of the three states of woe, namely as an animal, a hungry ghost (preta), or in hell (see Gati). Pāpa arises from intentions and actions that are unwholesome (akuśala), namely those motivated by greed, hatred, and delusion, the three roots of evil (akuśala-mūla). Essentially, pāpa is that which leads one away from nirvāṇa, and is closer to the concept of error than an offence against divine authority or a condition innate in human nature such as original sin. In Buddhism sins cannot be forgiven, but may be confessed (see Pāpa-deśanā).
Pāpa (adj. nt.) [Vedic pāpa, cp. Lat. patior≈E. passion etc.; Gr. ph_ma suffering, evil; talai/pwros suffering evil] 1. (adj.) evil, bad, wicked, sinful A ii.222 sq. (and compar. pāpatara); Sn 57; Dh 119 (opp. bhadra). Other compar -- superl. forms are pāpiṭṭha S v.96; pāpiṭṭhatara Vin ii.5; pāpiyyasika D iii.254. See pāpiya. -- 2. unfertile (of soil) S iv.315. -- 3. (nt.) evil, wrong doing, sin Sn 23, 662; Dh 117 (opp. puñña) 183; Pv i.66; 112; iv.150; DhA ii.11. -- pp. pāpāniSn 399, 452, 674; Dh 119, 265.
-- iccha having bad wishes or intentions Vin i.97; D iii.246; S i.50; ii.156; A iii.119, 191, 219 sq.; iv.1, 22, 155; v.123 sq.; Sn 133, 280; It 85; Nd2 342; Vism 24 (def.); VbhA 476; -- icchatā evil intention A iv.160, 165; DhA ii.77. -- kamma evil doing, wickedness, sin, crime D iii.182; It 86; Sn 407; Dh 127; Vism 502; VbhA 440 sq.; PvA 11, 25, 32, 51, 84. -- kammanta evil -- doer, villain S i.97. -- kammin id. M i.39 Dh 126. -- kara id. Sn 674. -- karin id. Dh 15, 17. -- dassana sinful view Pv iv.355. -- dhamma wickedness, evil habit Dh 248, 307; Pug 37; DhA iii.4; PvA 98; as adj. at PvA. 58. -- dhammin one of evil character or habits Pv i.117. -- parikkhaya decay or destruction of demerit (opp. puñña˚) Pv ii.615. -- mitta an evil associate, a bad companion (opp. kalyāṇa˚) M i.43, 470; D iii.182. -- mittatā bad company, association with wicked people A i.13 sq., 83; iv.160, 165; D iii.212; Dhs 13, 27; Vbh 359, 369, 371. -- sankappa evil thought Sn 280. -- sīla bad morals Sn 246. -- supina an evil dream (opp. bhaddaka) Vism 312; DhA iii.4.
[translation-san] pāpa
[translation-eng] {Hopkins} sin; moral wrong-doing
sdig pa
[translation-san] {LCh,C,MSA} pāpa
[translation-san] {MSA,MV} pāpaka
[translation-san] {C} agha
[translation-eng] {Hopkins} sin; moral wrong-doing; scorpion
[translation-eng] {C} evil; misfortune