Dictionary Definition :
Paraŋ (param˚) (adv.) [orig. nt. of para] further, away (from); as prep. (w. abl.) after, beyond; absolute only in phrase ito paraŋ from here, after this, further, e. g. KhA 131; SnA 160, 178, 412, 512, 549; PvA 83, 90; also in tato paraŋ J iii. 281.
-- parā (f.) [adv. converted into a noun paraŋ+abl. of para] lit. "after the other," i. e. succession, series Vinii. 110; iv. 77, 78 (parampara -- bhojana "taking food in succession," successive feeding, see under bhojana, and cp. C. at Vin iv. 77, 78 and Vin Texts i. 38); D i. 239; M i. 520; A ii. 191 (paramparāya in phrase anussavena p. itikirāya, as at Nd2 151); Bu i. 79; J i. 194; iv. 35 (expld by C. as purisa˚, viz. a series of husbands, but probably misunderstood, Kern,Toev. s. v. interperts as "defamation, ravishing"); Nett 79 (˚parahetu); Miln 191, 276; DhsA 314; SnA 352; DhA i. 49 (sīsa˚). -- maraṇā (adv.) after death; usually in combn with kāyassa bhedā p. after the dissolution of the body, i. e. after death S i. 231; D i. 245; PvA 27, 133; absolutely only in phrase hoti Tathāgato p. D i. 188, 192; A v. 193. -- mukhā (adv.) in one's absence, lit. with face turned away (opp. sammukhā in presence, thus at J iii. 263 where parammukhā corresponds to raho and sam˚ to āvi; PvA 13) D i. 230 (parammukhin?); DhA ii. 109.
-- parā (f.) [adv. converted into a noun paraŋ+abl. of para] lit. "after the other," i. e. succession, series Vin
Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede,
param-bhāva , parama , paramā pratipattiḥ , parama'rthaḥ , parama-artha , paralytic , paralysis , paralyse , paralogism , parallelogram