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Parama (adj.) [Vedic parama; superl. formation of para, lit. "farthest," cp. similarly, although fr. diff. base, Lat. prīmus] highest, most excellent, superior, best; paraphrased by agga seṭṭha visiṭṭha at Nd2 502 A= Nd1 84, 102 (the latter reading viseṭṭha for visiṭṭha); by uttama at DhA iii.237; VvA 78. -- D i.124 (ettaka˚); M ii.120 (˚nipacca); S i.166; ii.277; v.230; A v.64 (˚diṭṭha -- dhamma -- nibbāna); Sn 138 (yasaŋ paramaŋ patto), 296 (˚ā mittā), 788 (suddhaŋ ˚ŋ arogaŋ), 1071 (saññāvimokhe ˚e vimutto); Dh 184 (nibbānaŋ ˚ŋ vadanti Buddhā). 203, 243; Vv 161 (˚alankata= paramaŋ ativiya visesato VvA 78) Pv ii.910(˚iddhi); Pug 15, 16, 66; SnA 453 (˚issara); PvA 12 (˚nipacca). 15 (˚duggandha), 46. -- At the end of a cpd. ( -- ˚) "at the outmost, at the highest, at most; as a minimum, at least" Vin iv.263 (dvangula -- pabba˚); esp. freq. in phrase sattakkhattu˚ one who will be reborn seven times at the outmost, i. e. at the end of the 7 rebirthinterval S ii.185 (sa˚); v.205; A i.233; iv.381; v.120; It 18; Kvu 469. See pāramī & pāramitā.
   -- attha [cp. class. Sk. paramārtha] the highest good, ideal; truth in the ultimate sense, philosophical truth (cp. Kvu trsl. 180; J.P.T.S. 1914, 129 sq.; Cpd. 6, 81); Arahantship Sn 68 (=vuccati Amataŋ Nibbānaŋ etc. Nd2 409), 219 (˚dassin); Nd2 26; Miln 19, 31; ˚dīpanī Exposition of the Highest Truth, N. of the Commentary on Th, Vv and Pv; mentioned e. g. at PvA 71; ˚jotikā id., N. of the C. on Kh and Sn, mentioned e. g. at KhA 11. -- As ˚ -- , in instr. and abl. used adverbially in meaning of "in the highest sense, absolutely, kat) e)coxh/n, primarily, ideally, in an absolute sense," like ˚pāramī Bu i.77 ˚visuddhi Av.64; ˚saññita Th 2, 210; ˚suñña Ps ii.184; ˚suddhi SnA 528; abl. paramatthato Miln 28; VvA 24 (manusso), 30 (bhikkhu), 72 (jīvitindriyaŋ); PvA 146 (pabbajito, corresponding to anavasesato), 253 (na koci kiñci hanati=not at all); instr. paramatthena Miln 71 (vedagū), 268 (sattûpaladdhi). -- gati the highest or best course of life or future exsitence Vv 3512 (=anupādisesa -- nibbāna VvA 164).

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede,

parama: Highest. Also, 'Most Excellent', one of the 14 synonyms for pratisaṃkhyā-nirodha in the MVŚ.

Sarvastivada Abhidharma, Sanskrit-English Glossary, by Bhikkhu KL Dhammajoti

dam pa

[translation-san] {LCh,C} vara

[translation-san] {C} pravara

[translation-san] {C} uttama

[translation-san] {LCh,C,MSA,MV} parama

[translation-san] {MSA} para

[translation-san] {MSA} paramata

[translation-san] {C} agra

[translation-san] {C} śreṣṭha

[translation-san] {C} sat

[translation-san] {C} sāra (=pradhāna)

[translation-san] {C} pradhāna

[translation-eng] {Hopkins} excellent; the ultimate; highest

[translation-eng] {C} highest; best; supreme; unsurpassed; utmost; finest; very fine; excellent; highly; exceedingly; completely; foremost; most; farthest; most excellent; top; beginning; boon; choicest; supreme; a person of authority core; substance; of substantial excellence; good

Jeffrey Hopkins' Tibetan-Sanskrit-English Dictionary
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