path of release of a Great Vehicle path of meditation
Dictionary Definition :
theg chen gyi sgom lam rnam grol lam
[translation-eng] {Hopkins} path of release of a Great Vehicle path of meditation
[definition-bod] mtshan nyid rang 'dren byed kyi bar chad med lam gyi ngos skal gyi spang bya bden 'dzin lhan skyes las grol pa'i theg chen gyi rjes la mngon rtogs/
[definition-eng] Def.: a Great Vehicle subsequent clear realizer that involves a state of having been liberated from the innate conception of true existence which is the respectve object of abandonment by the uninterrupted path that induces it
Jeffrey Hopkins' Tibetan-Sanskrit-English Dictionary
path of release of a Great Vehicle path of seeing , path of release of a Hearer path of meditation , path of release of a Hearer's path of seeing , path of seeing , path of the vajra vehicle , path of release , path of liberation , path of expedient means , path of exalted wisdom--attained subsequent to that--having limitless knowables as its objects , path of attainment