ramati : [ram + a] delights in; enjoys oneself.
Ramati [ram; defd by Dhtp 224 & Dhtm 318 by "kīḷā- yaŋ"] 1. to enjoy oneself, to delight in; to sport, find amusement in (loc.) S i.179; Vin 197 (ariyo na r. pāpe); Sn 985 (jhāne); Dh 79 (ariya -- ppavedite dhamme sadā r. paṇḍito); subj. 1st pl. ramāmase Th 2, 370 (cp. Geiger, P.Gr. 126); med. 1st sg. rame Jv.363; imper. rama Pv ii.1220 (r. deva mayā saha; better with v. l. as ramma); -- fut. ramissati PvA 153. -- ger. ramma Pv ii.1220 (v. l. for rama). grd.ramma & ramanīya (q. v.). -- pp. rata. -- Caus. I. rameti to give pleasure to, to please, to fondle Th 1, 13; J v.204; vi.3 (pp. ramayamāna); Miln 313. -- pp.ramita (q. v.). <-> Caus. II. ramāpeti to enjoy oneself J vi.114.
ramáti f. a place of pleasant resort AV. TBr.
• (rám○), mfn. liking to remain in one place, not straying (said of a cow) AV. TS.
• m. (only L.) a lover
• paradise, heaven
• a crow
• time
• Kāma-deva, the god of love