Dictionary Definition :
Reference to this Epic Poem does not occur in the Pitaka or in the early books.
Even in the Commentaries reference thereto is rare (E.g., DA.i.76; MA.i.163, as Sītāharana), and then it is only condemned as "purposeless talk” (niratthakakathā).
Only in the later Chronicles, such as the Cūlavamasa (E.g. Cv.lxiv.42), is the work actually mentioned by name. See also Rāma (5).
Dictionary of Pali Proper Names, G P Malalasekera (1899-1973), which is available as printed version from
ramayantikā , ramb 1 , ramb 2 , rambati , rambh 1 , ramāveṣṭa , ramati , ramaṭhadhvani , ramaṭha , ramāśraya