A nature or quality shared in common
平等 (sāmānya) Equality
sāmānya mf(ā)n. equal, alike, similar MBh. Śak
• shared by others, joint, common to (instr with and without saha, or comp.) Yājñ. MBh. Suśr. &c
• whole, entire, universal, general, generic, not specific (opp. to vaiśeṣika) Suśr. VarBṛS
• common, common-place, vulgar, ordinary, insignificant, low MBh. Kāv. &c
• (am), n. equality, similarity, identity MBh. Suśr. &c
• equilibrium, normal state or condition Nīlak
• universality, totality, generality, general or fundamental notion, common or generic property (ibc., instr., or abl., 'in general', as opp. to viśeṣa-tas, 'in particular') Kaṇ. Jaim. Sarvad
• public affairs or business W
• (in rhet.) the connection of different objects by common properties Kpr. Kuval
• (ā), f. a common female, prostitute L
• (am), ind. after the same manner as, like (comp.) Kālid
• jointly, in general, in common Mn. vii, 56