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saṃ-yuj √P. Ā. -yunakti, -yuṅkte, to join or attach together, conjoin, connect, combine, unite RV. &c. &c
• to bind, fetter Vait
• to endow or furnish with (instr.) ŚvetUp. MBh. &c
• to form an alliance, league together RV. viii, 62, 11
• to place in, fix on, direct towards (loc.) MBh. BhP.: Pass. -yujyate, to be joined together, be united &c
• to meet or fall in with (instr.) Ragh
• to be married to (instr.) Mn. ix, 22
• (with ratyā, or grāmyadharmatayā) to have sexual intercourse PraśnUp. Śaṃk. on ChUp
• to be supplied or furnished with (instr.) MBh. R. &c.: Caus. -yojayati, to cause to join together, bring together, unite MBh. Kathās. MārkP
• to put to (horses), yoke, harness ib
• to hold together, check, control (the senses) MaitrUp. (v. l.)
• to furnish or endow or present with (instr.) Yājñ. MBh. &c
• to give over to, entrust with (gen. of pers. and acc. of thing) R. Pañcat
• to add to (loc.) Sūryas
• to fix on, direct towards (loc.) MaitrUp. MBh. BhP
• to shoot, discharge (a missile) MBh
• to equip (an army) ib
• to use, employ, appoint ib
• to institute, perform, accomplish Hariv. BhP
• (Ā) to be absorbed, meditate MBh. v, 7260

Sanskrit-English Dictionary, by M. Monier William
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