Dictionary Definition :
Ucchepaka (nt.) [= ucchiṭṭhaka in sense of ucchiṭṭha- bhatta] leavings of food M ii.7 (v. l. uccepaka with cc for cch as ucciṭṭha: ucchiṭṭha). The passage is to be read ucchepake va te ratā. A diff. connotation would be implied by taking ucchepaka = uñchā, as Neumann does (Majjhima trsl.2ii.682).
Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede,
uccheṣa , uccheṣaṇa , uccheṣaṇῑ , ucchettṛ , ucchid , ucchedya , ucchedin , ucchedavāda , ucchedanῑya , ucchedana