Dictionary Definition :
ucchid - ( [ ud-√ chid ] ) , P. [ -chinatti ] ( Impv. 2. sg. [ -chindhi ] AV.; inf. [ chettum ] Śak; [ -chettavai ] ŚBr. i , 2 , 5 , 10 , &c. ) to cut out or off , extirpate , destroy AV. vii , 113 , 1 ŚBr. MBh. R. Ragh. Śak. &c.; to interfere , interrupt , stop MBh. Mn. Sāh. &c.; to analyze , resolve ( knotty points or difficulties ); to explain [ W. ]: Caus. P. [ -chedayati ] , to cause to extirpate or destroy Pañcat. : Pass. [ -chidyate ] , to be cut off; to be destroyed or extirpated MBh.; to be interrupted or stopped; to cease , be deficient , fail MBh. Mn.
Sanskrit-English Dictionary, by M. Monier William
ucchidya , ucchikha , ucchikhaṇḍa , ucchilῑndhra , ucchiṃhana , ucchettṛ , uccheṣaṇῑ , uccheṣaṇa , uccheṣa , ucchepaka