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Dictionary Definition :

vivaṭṭa : [nt.] devolution of rebirth.

A.P. Buddhadatta Mahathera, Concise Pali-English and English-Pali Dictionary [available as digital version from Metta Net, Sri Lanka]

Vivaṭṭa (m. & nt.) [vi+vaṭṭa1] 1. "rolling back," with ref. to the development of the world (or the aeons, kappa) used to denote a devolving cycle ("devolution"), whereas vaṭṭa alone or saŋvaṭṭa denote the involving cycle (both either with or without kappa). Thus as "periods" of the world they practically mean the same thing & may both be interpreted in the sense of a new beginning. As redupl. -- inter. cpds. they express only the idea of constant change. We sometimes find vivaṭṭa in the sense of "renewal" & saŋvaṭṭa in the sense of "destruction," where we should expect the opposite meaning for each. See also vaṭṭa & saŋvaṭta. Dogmatically vivaṭṭa is used as "absence of vaṭṭa," i. e. nibbāna or salvation from saŋsāra (see vaṭṭa & cp. citta -- vivaṭṭa, ceto˚, ñāṇa˚, vimokkha˚ at Ps i.108 & ii.70). -- Fig. in kamma˚ "the rolling back of k.," i. e. devolution or course of kamma at S i.85. -- Abs. & combd with saŋvaṭṭa (i. e. devolution combd with evolution) e. g. at D i.14, 16 sq.; iii.109; A ii.142 (where read vivaṭṭe for vivaṭṭo); Pug 60; Vism 419 (here as m. vivaṭṭo, compared with saŋvaṭṭo), 420 (˚ṭṭhāyin). In cpd. ˚kappa (i. e. descending aeon) at D iii.51; Pug 60; It 15. -- 2. (nt.) part of a bhikkhu's dress (rolling up of the binding?), combd with anu -- vivaṭṭa at Vin i.287.

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede,
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