The three voids or immaterialities. The first set of three is (a) 空, (b) 無相, (c) 無願, v. 三三昧. The second, (a) 我空 , (b) 法空 , (c) 倶空 the self, things, all phenomena as "empty" or immaterial. The third relates to charity: (a) giver, (b) receiver, (c) gift, all are "empty".
三空 (1) Three emptinesses described in the 金剛三昧經: emptiness of marks, emptiness of emptiness, emptiness of that which is empty. (T vol. 9, 367B) (2) According to Kihwa in his O ka hae sŏrŭi 五家解説誼, the emptiness of self 我空, emptiness of elemental constructs 法空 and emptiness of emptiness 空空 (HPC 7.12a). (3) The emptiness of self, emptiness of elemental constructs, and the emptiness of both. (4) Emptiness 空 marklessness 無相 and wishlessness 無願. (5) In the practice of dāna, the emptiness of giver, receiver, and that which is given. (6) The emptiness of non-nature 無性空, the emptiness of changing nature 異性空, and the emptiness of self-nature 自性空.
(名數)言空,無相,無願之三解脫也。此三者共明空理故曰三空。【參見: 三三昧】。【又】布施行,言受者施者布施物三相之空也。少室六門二種入曰:「行檀捨施,心無怖惜。達解三空,不倚不著。」